A Merry Christmas song...

Have you ever walked past a building or church and could hear what was happening inside but felt too awkward to go inside? Like you did not belong, yet you had as much right to be there as anyone else?  Or have you ever walked past a stained glass window and thought about how the sun shines through it into the building or church, but no light shines outward from it? The more I overthought this idea, the more I knew I had to write about it. Often times we get so busy in our lives that we are wrapped up in the processes, the plays, the songs, the order of which every little thing must take place.We have to remember to stop and realize it is all nothing without  loving all around us. If your life has become too much of a ritual, stop the expected things and do new things. Spend a day at a soup kitchen, visit a Children's Hospital or a Nursing Home. You absolutely do not need to spend days at shopping centers and malls during the holiday season. Christmas will come and go. But the spirit must remain all days of the year. Think about the examples you are setting for your children in your routines and choices. Do you want them to recall you fighting for parking spaces or having fun passing out socks and cookies to those in need? Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! May we all be better than we were yesterday, in His name....

On the Outside, Looking In

On the road to my redemption  

I set up camp at Jubilee 

And all of my frustrations 

Poured from within me. 

Christmas  adorned the sidewalk 

I watched stained glass bend the light 

Away from the outsider  

Yet inside was glowing bright! 

The bells rang and the people came 

Rushing past my gaze 

I wanted to do the same  

And share to Him my praise! 

But they closed and locked the door 

Before I could work up my nerve 

In worn clothing and tattered mind 

I was unwelcome to serve. 

The sun shines, then dims  

On this old stained glass pane 

As the hymns for Him  

Again and again are sang... 

I caught  up with my reflection 

In shop front window scenery 

I wondered what this life 

Had in store for me... 

On the outside looking in, 

 I see light so differently 

Perhaps it is the Father’s vision 

He set forth for me. 

In the salvation of the sunset 

My spirit burns within 

What a beautiful miracle it is 

To be on the outside, looking in... 

I worked as a carpenter 

In my father's shop downtown 

We crafted ornate tables 

For families to gather around. 

My hand became my enemy 

After his untimely death 

I couldn't focus on the filigree 

And I struggled to keep my breath. 

I lost all that we had worked for 

And the streets became my home 

In the winter of my life 

Outside looking in, as I roam. 

I watch hurried shoppers complain 

And tired children cry for rest 

People too busy to notice  

They are lost, they're so stressed. 

Oddfellows on the town square 

Selling Christmas trees and wreaths 

Old men and veterans 

Shivering in the breeze. 

I caught  up with my reflection 

In shop front window scenery 

I wondered what this life 

Had in store for me... 

On the outside looking in, 

 I see light so differently 

Perhaps it is the Father’s vision 

He set forth for me 

In the salvation of the sunset 

My spirit burns within 

What a beautiful miracle it is 

To be on the outside, looking in... 

Copyright 2019 Beth Sutton


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